Hi, so I thought I’d introduce myself properly. I have touched on a bit elsewhere already.
I was born into an Evangelical Christian home and I was very into it! I then converted to Catholicism and thought about paganism, almost become a Catholic nun but within that process acknowledged that I was a lesbian (I had always been interested in women, but thought it was ‘a phase’), met my wife and had a Civil Partnership (just before gay marriage was legal). Went around the Christian denominations, then became an atheist for years and was very angry with Christianity.
Aphrodite had been around in the background for years until I finally acknowledged her this year. From there I’ve been lead to Kemeticism. My interest in Kemeticism started via my painting hobby. I painted a scene from Tutankhamen’s tomb… A project I chose and discovered that it was the exact same painting that my art tutor had painted as his first ever project (he said it was a good painting and didn’t need to give me advice). The day I finished it is the day he died of cancer (although I did some touch ups on the Painting later). He left me on that same day with one of his small paintings of a swan which now sits in an unintentional alter/shrine to Aphrodite, which had developed over the years.
I have always been fascinated by ancient Egypt, but painting their pictures/hieroglyphics lead me back into my fascination stating with that painting I mentioned. I also fell like perhaps Aphrodite has handed me over to the Egyptian pantheon.
One further painting in particular has affected me. I decided to paint an Ancient Egyptian style mandala deciding what to paint as I went along… By the time I got to the middle I got to the Eye of Djehuty, which surprised me. However, every time I walked past that painting in my hallway, I felt reassured and protected (this was at the start of Covid 19).
Since lockdown, I have moved this painting into my work space on an art easel with some if my paint brushes and materials below the painting. Also have my plan there for my current project, a tomb Painting of Nefertari and Isis. It’s become another alter but I didn’t initially intend it to be. My art desk turned into a home working space, which has turned into a sacred space.
A big way I feel connected to Djehuty and by extension Seshat is through my work. I work for local government and I’m home working during the pandemic. I feel that Djehuty and Seshat are now part of the digital age. I have also started volunteering as a ‘digital champion’ at work to help others get to grips with new tech and software.
I now have a simple practice and routine starting with the 42 principles of Maat as I begin work, a water offering to Djehuty (who I work with throughout my working day), Seshat (there in the background) and at times Isis (she comes and goes usually at the end of my working day and the start of family life). A food offering part way through the day too. I then close the working day with a chat with Djehuty about how it’s gone, what I have learned ans also about personal life. Seshat tends to be part of personal life chats.
I feel like a modern version of an ancient scribe!