Welcome and Introductions

Děkuji za přivítání jsem ráda že z Česka nejsem sama senebty Zuzana

A my jsme rádi, že Tě tu máme!
[And we’re glad for having you!]

Hi I don’t know if this board is used anymore but I’ll give it a whirl. I’m Leeora. My mum considers herself a green/moon witch and I guess that along with my love of Ancient Egyptian history and mythology sprouted my interest in Kemeticism. I have siblings who also have an interest in Paganism. One is a Celtic Pagan and the other Norse Pagan. You could say we are one eclectic family where loads of debates happen.

Looking forward to meeting everyone.


Welcome Leeora :slight_smile:

I hope you find the content of this board helpful! It certainly sounds like an interesting mix of paths in your family. I’m sure you learn a lot from eachother.

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Welcome! Nice to have you.

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Welcome! It’s nice to see new faces :slight_smile:

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Welcome and hope you find (and contribute anything if you want) here.

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Hello there!

My name is Sem, nice to meet you all! I’ve recently been exploring Kemetic beliefs and hope to become a productive and useful member of the community.

Nice to meet you all.


Hello Sam!

Welcome to the forum. I look forward to seeing you around and I hope you find this place useful :slightly_smiling_face:.

If you have any questions, let us know.

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i would say to take more care in future, there is power in a name… you got mine wrong.

i’m used to it by now…

My apologies Sem!

I hope you feel welcome here.

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Thanks. Sorry if i was a bit brusk, but certain things are important.

I look forwards to being able to contribute more meaningfully :slight_smile:

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