Does anyone here worship other gods than the Kemetic ones?

I am personally one of those who worship to deities of multiple pantheons, and so I am asking whether anyone here does this too, and if so, how?

Hi Djehutinedjem,

I only spend time with Kemetic deities at the moment. It’s simpler for me to focus on one pantheon and Kemeticism is the one that stands out to me the most. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m not sure “worship” is the right word for me, as I am primarily an Animist, but I have relationships with gods of at least 4 pantheons. I have recently made discoveries about Egyptian religion that have brought me close to more Egyptian gods than any other pantheon, but this was totally unexpected. At the age of 70 I am still growing and changing in my spiritual life.

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I think this is an excellent question.

Personally, I was drawn into exploring Kemetic beliefs from my Phoenician heritage, and a strong personal connection with Mother Tanit.

However, I personally believe that She is one and the same as Mut… Tanit, the Mother of all Mothers. Once rendered in the original language, it even sounds as such. This is further reinforced by the syncretism between Ba’al Hammon and Amun, their consorts.

(EDIT: I realise this answer is both yes and no… perhaps this is why sometimes there must be two Ma’ats and not one)

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No,at the moment, but yes for many years. I used to walk a celtic path,especially irish and had strong connections to The Morrigan. Then the Netjeru,especially Serqet came again into my life,called me, but it’s been very difficult to work with both pantheons. So at the end of 2022 ….I never wanted to decide between them…my time with The Morrigan my Matron came to an end,after more than 9 years.
Since then,the Netjeru called me much stronger than before and I surrendered :grin:

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