Etsy shop now open

After much procrastination, I have finally (re)opened my etsy shop.
The focus this time is much more on devotional pieces, starting with altar boxes to keep all your essentials (incense/ natron/ charcoal/ candles etc) or even to stash your offerings! I am creating each one as a devotional piece, and make a special effort to please our Lords and Ladies when I am working on the items.
There are only a few listings right now, but I am adding more over the weekend so please check them out during the next few weeks.
As a thank you to you, fellow KT lurkers, I have even set up a special code for the Egyptian items (not the rest): enter KTUK25 at checkout to get 25% off :slight_smile:

here is the shop link:

feel free to just have a nose and tell me what you think. feedback is appreciated as much as a sale.


Good luck with your new shop!

Hope it goes well. I’ll pop over for a look :laughing::two_hearts:

thank you. It is more of a hobbie/ devotional project than a money making scheme. I still have the ‘dreaded’ day job to pay bills. I just love making things and using my crafts to meditate and pray

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Well, you never know how things may change! I love the little Isis box btw. When i have some spare pennies I’d love one :two_hearts:

aww thank you for the feedback. What did you think of the pricing? one thing I want to aim for is making things that are affordable, not high end because I feel the pain of finding pennies myself to buy altar stuff/ offerings.