After seeing it on some phones, I’m going to try to improve the layout on small screens - maybe have a single column display for those cases so that the dates are nice and large and easily touchable.
Beyond that I’d like to spend some time trying to work out how to add some nice options… display options for the month names, days, and detail on the sidebar - as well as options for different festival lists.
Once that is in a state where I feel it is highly useable, I’ll start thinking about a suitable model for working out the heliacal risings
I’m also thinking it would be nice to be able to have a selection between multiple sets of festivals, and checkboxes for them. I’ll start with the existing Festival Calendar we have here, and the Kemetic Reform calendar, maybe organising the UCL ones into subsets… and eventually having the option to include or exclude specific festivals from each list.
Update: some of this is now done, and its possible to share dates with links, like this:
The months can be displayed using the Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom or Greek names from Wikipedia (transliterated).
I’m going to skip the calendar from the forums since its hard to work out where Wep Ronpet should sit within it, given that it is keyed off of Gregorian dates… but I will add the Kemetic Reform dates as an option.
Update 2: There is now location selection, although it will only tell you if you choose a latitude where the Sirius never rises at all. I’ve added Greenwich Observatory and the Great Pyramid as presets, as well as your current position if you give permission.
I’ve written enough code to evaluate a pretty good approximation to the position of Sirius, good enough to work out the heliacal rising, but I will leave that part for my next opportunity to work on this…
Update 3: I’m slowly working through the astrometry code required to calculate the sunrise/sunset, I will finish these on the way to computing the heliacal rising dates. Its probably going to be a little while before I can post another meaningful update in that direction…
If anyone is using this or has any feature requests, let me know and I’ll do those as a priority.
Update 4: Sun and Sopdet sky positions are now calculated to within a degree…
Update 5: Now with timezones and accurate altitudes for Ra and Sopdet.
Update 6: Now with sunrise/sunset accurate to within a minute or two… and a quick pass on a dark theme.
Update 7: Now marks the predicted heliacal rising date correctly, based on an arcus visionis of 10 degrees.