God of the week/month club

I was just looking at the Shrine of Khonsu thread and it got me thinking about all the deities we might be interested in, but haven’t got around to talking to. Many years ago there was an online god of the month club hosted by various blogs, and I thought we could do something similar.

We could do it weekly, fortnightly, or monthly, depending on how busy everyone is. A god or goddess is randomly picked and we look into their myths, modern followers and how they have interacted with said deity, spend some time making offerings and introducing ourselves, then discuss them and what we have learned on here.

Monthly or fortnightly would work better for me (I’m sure we’re all busy despite heading for second lockdown!). The first week could be research, the second setting up a temporary altar space. (I still need to rebuild my “official” Shrine after moving!)


List the gods that could be added to the rota here. I’ll start with Tasenetnofret because I’m a little bit obsessed with her and can find few sources.

And Khonsu, of course!

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That’s an interesting idea Senneferet and I think it’s a good one. :slightly_smiling_face:

Monthly I think?

I won’t have time to erect a temporary alter space, but I can certainly be involved in research and do offerings.

There are loads of deities I don’t know much about, including the main ones.

Khonsu could be the first on the list as he seems to have popped up recently?

I’ve found out a bit about Bast, but I’d like to know more about her so I’ll add her to the list.

I’m intrigued by household deities at the moment so Bes would be another. I know he’s one of Kev’s faves.

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We can certainly give it a go! Thanks!

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Aside from my recent seeking of Nut: a few years ago Ptah came to me with messages as a short-term thing. I’m not sure if modern Kemetics notice him very much.

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I really wanted the massive statue of Ptah from the Tut exhibition…

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I have a lovely small one, about 7in.

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he was lovely. I wanted one too

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great idea. I have come across Wenet, which I really liked. she’s not very well known but may be worth a look.
others I mean to go back to/look into: Mafdet, Khnum, Sokar,Shai.
there’s probably another list somewhere else too, I keep writing things down on post its and randomly find them again lol

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Ah pantaloons, I forgot to sort out this months deity. Head is still not in the greatest place. We have three options: 1) give GOTM club up as a bad idea and focus on our own deities. 2) Skip December and pick up again in January. 3) pick a deity ASAP for December

I’d go for the third option!

Tasenetnofret? Could go through the list here in the order people suggested them?

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It is a good idea still!

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I think Tasenetnofret could be good for December. There’s not a huge amount of information around about her, apart from her actually being a title rather than a goddess, or an amalgamation of Nebethet and Hethert.

So shall we say Tasenetnofret? There’s still three and a bit weeks left so we can fit her in.


That will be an interesting challenge. Never heard of that one before!

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Tasenetnofret it is then! Again, I dont expect us to find much but it should be interesting.


OK it is possibly disrespectful but I keep reading that name as Tasslehoff Burrfoot… Sorry.


If she is connected to Hathor, then it could be Hasslehoof…bwah ha ha ha!


Oh that is bad… :smiley: thank you

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I do love a good pun!

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