Great questions again
After all this time I do forget some of the basics.
The real question should be are we operating as a household practice or as temples did? Both were quite separate in approach. Temples had dedicated staff who only did this day in day out for a few months of the year before rotation. For us modern Kemetics we get to choose to do either or a bit of both.
My personal practice tends to be that for daily use, i.e. saying hi to my deities every day, I just do it and move on with no special fanfare. For the more important festivals or specific rituals where I want a deeper connection or petition to them, then I go a bit further; purification rites, careful of what I eat and do either side of the event. Such times are times of reverence and extraction from the the every day world into that ‘other-world’ where I need to pay more attention to what the deities are doing and saying.
Its perhaps not authentic to ancient Egypt but this is a reconstructionist path and therefore we do need to make some compromises to fit with work and family life.
Many who find their way into Kemetism from other pagan/spritual paths tend to bring baggage. That can be both good and bad. Ritual is about symbolism to attain a specific mindset, and in particular group ritual (where many of these come from) tools are important to provide a focus and reminder of where everyone should be. Now, as far as this goes with Kemetic practice, some will bring such practices in and I’m guilty of that from time to time.
The bonus being that with Kemetic practice we tend to be solitary and it is our own mind that needs to get where it needs to get to. In that case if you need tools then use them.
I’ve been using an ‘Opening Of The Mouth’ perhaps for over 25 years now and in that time I’ve used my finger, kitchen knives, daggers, penknives and some years ago I made a specific tool for it. All of which worked perfectly well for me to perform said ritual. Keep in mind this is all a combination of thought and action that reinforces them both.
I don’t like to have lots of things to juggle, that is a personal thing as for me it detracts from the symbolism I can form in my head. Others are different and need it. If we don’t have precisely what we need then it is perfectly OK to improvise with replacement, picture (remember many tombs had images of food etc for the after life rather than physical food), even just skip it.
What I’m perhaps saying is not having a specific tool should not stop you doing anything. Yes some rituals do require specific things and we may feel bad because we don’t have them, so find another way.
OK that was a long one.
sorry, you did ask!